4 Habits That Interfere With Your Sleep: How To Solve Them?

4 habits that interfere with your sleep: how to fix them?

At times you probably feel tired or unmotivated. Stress, obligations, changes, and the unexpected that can occur steal some of your time, especially if you haven’t rested well. Identifying the habits that interfere with your sleep is therefore fundamental if you want to have more energy,  achieve your goals and, of course, enjoy moments of peace.

In general,  a rested mind is less dispersed, more focused, and willing to achieve internal balance. In order for this to be possible, when you go to bed, you have to try to disconnect from everything. However, this can sometimes be very complicated. As soon as you close your eyes, a thousand thoughts start to invade you and prevent you from falling asleep.

A study carried out by the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) highlights the dangers of lack of sleep in the brain. Its results confirm that  not sleeping a minimum number of hours on a recurring basis can affect the brain in the long term. This study also claims that chronic sleep deprivation can increase the risk of developing neurological disorders.

We are therefore going to reveal to you 4 habits that interfere with your rest. When you free yourself from it, you can start enjoying restful sleep and that much-needed feeling of relaxation again.

1. Sedentary lifestyle

One of the habits that most affects your sleep is being sedentary. Lack of physical activity causes the body to not expend energy. And it interferes with sleep patterns.

Exercise is especially important for the balance of sleep cycles  because it stimulates the secretion of substances like serotonin and melatonin.

habits that interfere with your sleep: smartphones

We therefore recommend that you  practice at least half an hour of exercise per day. If you do intense workouts, it is important that they are done at least three or four hours before bed. This way, your body will have time to rebalance its internal activity and exercise will not interfere with your sleep.

2. Electronic devices

We spend  most of the day on electronic devices. Watching notifications, surfing the Internet, strolling on the various social networks… These habits occupy a large part of our time, even before going to bed.

This hyper-connectivity prevents us from enjoying the present moment. In addition, many studies suggest that the blue light emitted by electronic devices interferes with the ability to sleep well. Their use is therefore not recommended before sleeping.

If you want to do something before you go to bed, it is better to replace electronic devices with a book, an hour or two before bed  This option will clearly promote your sleep.

3. Stress

We all have a certain amount of accumulated stress. Whether it is because of work responsibilities, family problems, financial difficulties or even daily inconveniences like simple traffic jams. However,  this prevents us from relaxing and disconnecting from everything.

According to some psychologists,  a normal amount of stress is healthy for our body and for our mind. The feeling of tension causes the release of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that improves mood and memory.

However,  when stress is constant, the level of cortisol remains high and the brain can suffer serious consequences. Sleep is one of the first victims. If you think your stress levels are keeping you awake, try to reduce them as much as possible. Techniques like relaxation, yoga or meditation can help.

stress is one of the habits that interferes with your sleep

4. Too little free time

The last habit that interferes with your sleep is excessive multitasking. Without realizing it,  you are probably addicted to being busy. However, of course, this has repercussions on your rest. Keep in mind that if you struggle to balance your personal and professional life, sooner or later it will affect your sleep routine.

It is therefore important that you take a look at the tasks that you usually do. Are they superfluous? Are they necessary? If you think you need more hours of sleep,  focus only on the ones that require your attention.

On the other hand, if you feel exhausted, you will not be able to rest properly or relax. If you want to enjoy your hours of rest, you need to start reducing your workload. If possible,  we recommend that you delegate some of your responsibilities to other people.

If lack of sleep is a problem in your daily life, try to eliminate the habits that interfere with your rest. Discard those that are of no use to you and find your own methods. Recharging your body will improve your quality of life in unimaginable ways.


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