3 Tips To Be Happy According To Eckhart Tolle

3 tips to be happy according to Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is a German writer considered the most popular spiritual author in the United States for the New York Times magazine . Within his works we can find inspiring teachings concerning love, life or spirituality. All these themes are addressed with the aim of bringing us closer to the state of well-being and happiness that we so seek.

Acceptance, joy and enthusiasm are Eckhart Tolle’s three tips that would make us happy. These three paths represent the direction taken by consciousness in order to allow us to express ourselves. Thus, everything we do that does not emanate from its paths will be the product of our ego and may give way to some dysfunctions.

Tolle claims to have experienced a spiritual awakening at the age of 29, having suffered from numerous bouts of depression and having been on the verge of suicide. In his essay The Power of the Present Moment, he emphasizes the importance of being aware of the present moment in order to be happy and not get lost in the traps of thought. According to him, the present is the gateway to a feeling of elevated peace.

Is it possible to silence the voice of our head which speaks incessantly?

Much of the suffering we experience is unnecessary. Our inadequate and repeated expectations and thoughts over time can end up hurting us. It is as if our mind is recreating a distorted picture of what is happening by acting in parallel. In fact, if we realize this and don’t change our mental patterns, we’ll end up recreating the world once and then again.

be happy by caring for internal dialogue

Do you really want advice to be happy? If the answer is yes, start by finding out who owns the voice you are letting speak in your mind. Is it yours or that of the primitive brain? Learn to go beyond your thoughts and question yourself. Is it fundamental to have a full life and to enjoy well-being?

If your thoughts carry a load of the past and you don’t know how to let go of it, you will have difficulty experiencing happiness because the past will continue to exist for lack of the present. So stop and try to find out if these thoughts are having an impact on what you are doing in the present.

The quality of our consciousness with acceptance, joy and enthusiasm is what gives rise to the quality of our thoughts. According to Eckhart Tolle, it is not enough to overcome our thoughts or listen to them. It is about giving them adequate importance to be happy.

Your thoughts are just beliefsā€¦ Only 20% of them will ever come true. So be able to go beyond, observe reality and not let yourself be threatened by the fears and fears disguised in your thoughts. Nothing that has happened in the past can prevent you from being in the present. If the past can’t stop you from living the present, then what power does it have?

Tips to be happy according to Eckhart Tolle

How to be happy? This question has plagued Eckhart Tolle for a long time. The sound of his mind increased until it reached such levels of dread and anxiety that his mind finally collapsed. The mental voice that obsessed him eventually fell silent and his thoughts stopped hurting him. The spaces of silence between his thoughts increased and peace and quiet settled into his life bringing with them a new concept of joy.

His tools to achieve this state of well-being were:

  • A correct acceptance of himself and of life, without being pushed by conformism
  • The proper interpretation of the joy in which all happiness must be born
  • An enthusiasm that made him understand that being alive is the greatest gift
total fulfillment to be happy

Finally, we can not forget that the most important to travel these three paths to the awakening of happiness is the common thread of the present. Because we can always face the present moment, but not with what is only a projection of our mind. For this reason, we can not face either the past or the future because these lands are the nutrient of misfortune. Motivate yourself to walk the field today!

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