12 Things We Should Be More Thankful For

12 things we should be more thankful for

Whether it’s due to fatigue or routine, sometimes we have a harder time seeing things in a positive way and motivating ourselves to do what we love.

Some days the color that dominates our life is black.  This aura that pursues us trains us to stay locked in our homes, not to go out, not to enjoy life, and not to put ourselves in danger.

In our lives, we lose the habit of being grateful for what we have, for all those little things that make up our daily life, that allow our hearts to shine and our souls to be filled with genuine love.

Some of these things include achieving our dreams, loving someone who loves us, and remembering unique moments in our life, or someone who made us learn things. new.

We often forget that these situations make us happy. Most of the time, negativity prevents us from seeing them and viewing them with clairvoyance.


It is important to remember all of these little things that make up our life. For that, we’ve come up with a list of 12 things we should be most grateful for on a daily basis.

Small, very simple things that will make you feel better about yourself.

12 things we should be more thankful for every day

  • Have our personal space: When we have our own home, where we can feel good and do whatever we want, we can be grateful.
    Feeling that we have personal space allows us to free our mind and generate peace, as well as tranquility, in our daily lives.
  • Overcome our fears: Improving ourselves as a person makes us stronger, motivates us, and makes us shine with our own light.
    It is important to celebrate one of our successes in the face of one of our deepest fears. And yet, it is something that we often forget to do.

“Lucky is the one to whom Heaven gives a piece of bread, without needing to thank anyone other than Heaven itself.”
-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra-

  • Asking for forgiveness and being aware of your mistakes:  It is important to be grateful that we have people in our life who sincerely love us.
    Being able to recognize our mistakes, and learn from them, is a great way to pay tribute to them.
  • Surprises: we are not talking here only of material goods, but of emotional gestures, acts that fill our hearts with happiness.
  • Having a person to share your life with: in a world in which we are taught to prioritize material, meeting people who are rich inside is a godsend. Learning alongside them is an opportunity that we must recognize.
  • Being able to enjoy the present moment and learn to laugh at our mistakes: life should not be taken too seriously, because we will not survive it. Run, shout, enjoy, dance and laugh while you can.
  • Enjoying art: it is one of the most fascinating gifts that life offers us. We were all created to connect with the essence of our existence.
    Art allows us to feel alive and perceive the magic of life, which we all too often forget.
  • Have a perfect body: have you ever stopped for a few minutes to think about the perfect mechanics of our body? It may seem strange to you, but the fact of thinking about all that is put in place by our organism to breathe, or to digest, must arouse in us a feeling of gratitude.
  • Having enough to feed ourselves and our loved ones: many people have more difficult lives than ours. Be grateful for all the things you have, and express your gratitude.
  • Learn a fundamental piece of advice and see our lives change forever: We need to be grateful that we can listen to and learn from other people. Without others, our life would be meaningless.
  • Be the object of the unconditional love of animals: if you have a pet, you know how feeling their love daily is a gift from heaven. The love of an animal is one of the purest and most wonderful sensations we can experience.
  • Feel the love of others: Love is the most important thing in our life, no matter in what situation or in what relationship it is expressed. Love is the number one thing we need to be thankful for.

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